Constructive Feedback
("It was Effective When, Next time try…")
Revisiting the exemplar to revise the criteria for success related to this objective
Emphasizing the most important take-aways, including what, why, and how
Give a clear, concise, and correct explanation of the skill.
Stating the key point(s) directly
Presenting key points using multiple modalities (e.g., visual, tactile, or oral communication) and in a format that is accessible to all learners (e.g., font size, color contrast, volume, speed)
Explain or demonstrate the skill in the same way students will practice it.
Show all the steps to demonstrate the skill.
Show multiple examples.
Emphasizing key points by punching important words and pausing before a key point to build drama and win attention
Using student-friendly vocabulary
Student Engagement
Using multiple methods to recruit interest by making the content feel authentic and meaningfully connected to students’ varied experiences, interests, and identities
Including more opportunities for student thinking and discussion before telling them information (e.g. turn and talk, everybody writes, wait time, cold call)
Ensuring scholars have opportunities to synthesize the information in the key points
Ensuring scholars interact with the key points using engagement techniques (call and response, everybody writes, turn and talk, etc)
Note: If you are teaching an inquiry-based lesson, these look-fors still apply, they may just come after an exploratory activity, for example.