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Engaging Everybody Strategies

Engaging Everybody: Planning and Feedback Sheet

Skill  Constructive Feedback (It was effective when… & Next time try…)
Engagement Planning
  • Ensure the question/prompt is aligned to the objective 
  • Incorporate the engagement technique after delivering content to let students  internalize/remember it and/or use the technique for things like personal connections or predictions
  • Plan for answers you will listen/look for 
  • Use a technique that is aligned to the question/prompt (e.g. higher-order thinking questions pair  well with Everybody Writes/Discussion)
  • Integrate one or more questions that helps students connect to their identities, interests, or experiences
Wait Time
  • Give 3-5 seconds of silent wait time
  • Incorporate motivational narration. Examples: 
    • “I’ve got three hands on the left side of the room, but I bet I can get at least five more.” 
    • “Let’s see if we can get all hands up!”
    • Use a nonverbal gesture to encourage participation
  • Incorporate academic narration. Examples: 
    • “Angela is looking back at her notes” 
    • “Javier is using his blocks to count”
Cold Call 
  • Announce your cold call so students understand the expectation & purpose
  • Maintain positivity while cold calling (e.g., warm voice, smile, strategy to minimize threat)
  • Be intentional in your cold call selection (i.e., using a randomizer, leveraging data, pre-planning cold calls)
  • Time the name (first ask the question, PAUSE, then call on student)
Call and Response
  • Use a clear in-cue to ensure students know when to respond 
  • Modulate your tone even more to prompt the response 
  • Limit your call and response to several words rather than long phrases 
  • Do it again to sharpen up the response if students do not respond together 
Everybody Writes or   Turn and Talk
  • Ask a question that requires  thinking (e.g., apply key points, explain answers, make connections, etc.)
  • Give a clear direction that is specific, observable, concise, and sequential
  • Leverage student responses to spark a discussion