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Instructional Planning - Research and Additional Resources

Introduction: Internalizing an Instructional Plan

Use this process to internalize instructional plan + materials across grades and content areas.

Get Orientated with the Lesson Materials

What does this lesson generally cover and how does it fit into the context of the module/unit?

Step 0

Briefly review the lesson to get a sense of what it covers and how it fits in the context of the module/unit

  • Identify the standard(s), learning outcome(s), and how the learning is assessed.
  • Skim the lesson to determine how it is structured and how it flows
  • Contextualize the lesson within the broader module/unit If the lesson is text based, identify what the text is generally about

Identify the Desired Results of the Lesson

Are explicit learning outcomes stated?

If so, how many? Are specific standards explicitly aligned to the learning outcome(s)?

Step 1 Identify key knowledge and skills contained within the learning outcome. 
  • Identify the key knowledge and skills in the standard, and then pinpoint the knowledge and skills contained in the learning outcome(s)
Step 2 Access and evaluate resources to deepen understanding of key knowledge and skills
  • Review resources, including curricular resources (i.e. unit plans, progressions documents), to better understand the key knowledge and skills
Step 3 Consider identities, experiences, and culturally responsive and inclusive instruction. Questions to consider:
  • How do your identity and experiences inform how you are understanding and planning to teach this learning outcome? 
  • How will your students' identities and experiences inform how they may engage with this content? 
  • How does this learning outcome relate to your larger goals around culturally responsive and inclusive instruction?
Step 4 Ensure accessibility of learning outcomes. Questions to consider:
  • How might the learning outcome create opportunities for learners to leverage their strengths? 
  • Does the language of the learning outcome limit flexibility in terms of how students learn the content or demonstrate their understanding? If so, how?

Determine Assessment Evidence

What are some of the different ways students demonstrate learning? 

Is there a final opportunity for students to demonstrate learning on their own (without help from peers or teachers)?

Step 5 Review assessment for alignment and key components. Questions to consider:
  • How are students asked to demonstrate the knowledge and skills that are articulated in the learning outcome?
  • Does the assessment create opportunities to reveal student understandings and misconceptions about the content?
Step 6 Craft the exemplar: Questions to consider:
  • What would an exemplar response/product look like if students were meeting the learning outcome?
  • Is the level of thinking in the exemplar aligned to the knowledge and skills in the learning outcome?
Step 7 Consider learner variability. Questions to consider:
  • How does the assessment leverage students’ strengths?
  • What potential barriers might they experience?
  • What might you do to better leverage students’ strengths while making sure that they are still demonstrating the knowledge and skills contained in the learning outcome?

Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction

How is content presented?

Can you distinguish between what the teacher does and what students do?

Are there opportunities for students to practice?

Step 8 Review for alignment to learning outcomes. Questions to consider:
  • How will the learning experiences in the lesson support students in acquiring the key knowledge and skills in the learning outcomes?
  • How do the learning experiences support students in meeting the criteria for success on the assessment?
Step 9 Consider students’ developmental stages, identities, experiences, and interests. Questions to consider:
  • In what ways are the learning experiences designed to account for your students developmental ages and stages?
  • What adjustments might you make to ensure the learning experiences are developmentally appropriate for your students?
  • How will your students' identities, experiences, and interests inform how they may engage with this content?
  • What adjustments might you make to the learning experience to better leverage students’ identities, experiences, and interests?
Step 10 Plan for learner variability. 
  • Identify potential barriers this group of students might have in relation to engagement, representation, or action and expression
  • Identify the barrier(s) that would impact students’ ability to meet the lesson objective 
  • Select a strategy to address the identified barrier and support the lesson objective
  • Plan the implementation of the strategy in the lesson
  • Resources: