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Mometrix is a test preparation database that contains unofficial study guides and practice questions for a variety of examinations, including teacher preparation exams (PRAXIS, NYSTCE, ILTS, TExES, etc.), college admissions and placement exams (SAT, ACT, AP, IB, CLEP, etc.), and K-12 exams (PARCC, Regents, etc.). Relay students also now have access to over 1,400 interactive flashcards! See this article on Relay’s Support Centerfor guidance on accessing certification test prep materials on Mometrix.
Mometrix also has a YouTube channel featuring videos that cover test taking tips, practice questions, and study guides for a variety of exams, including Praxis, NYSTCE, TExES, GACE, ILTS, and more.
Pearson provides free and low-cost preparation materials for ILTS tests, including study guides and practice tests. All students should review their exam’s Study Guide in detail prior to studying for their exam, as it includes key information around test format and content topics, sample test questions with rationale, test taking strategies for the ILTS, and more.
As you complete your edTPA portfolio, you will be asked to justify your instructional choices and reflect on your teaching practice. You are expected to ground your practice in research-based methods and cite accordingly. Consult this document for key readings and their citations.