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Multilingual Learner Strategy Packet

TO SUPPORT MLLs with Quantity of Reading

Image Strategy Resources
Adapted Text: Adapted text rewrites key sections for better understanding. Pair adapted texts to scaffold the original text. The student should still work through reading the original text- this ensures you are not lowering the rigor. text leveler tool
Jigsaw text reading: Form small groups, each mastering a text section. Combine representatives from each to discuss, extract vital info, and mark key vocab. MLLs benefit from peer collaboration- strategically group your students. Teachers oversee to ensure essential info sharing. Jigsaw a text article and video
Summarized text: When creating the summary, make sure to align the information with the lesson or unit goals and related content standards.  The student should still work through reading the original text- this ensures you are not lowering the rigor. text summarizer tool

TO SUPPORT MLLs with Reading Comprehension

Image Strategy Resources
Add "picture-walk": You can use this strategy for fiction or nonfiction books. Walk through the book with the students, pointing out photographs, illustrations, and other graphic elements. Ask them what they notice about the pictures and how they think those details may relate to the story or content. Picture walk video
TELL a Story: There is power in storytelling, especially authentic stories from memory. In order to adapt for MLLs: speak slower,add dramatic emphasis, use physical actions and sound effects to help associate universally recognised body actions (running, sleeping, etc.) with new English words. Ask the audience to repeat key words and actions, add humor to lower affective filter.  Story telling from our Relay students
Anticipation/Reaction Guide: A before, during and after reading strategy that helps MLLs make predictions about texts. Anticipation guide video
Draw on students' existing knowledge: Students may already possess content knowledge that they cannot yet demonstrate in English. Look for opportunities to make associations between students' experiences and new content. Allow students to use their native language with peers for a quick brainstorm to discover what they know about a topic before presenting their ideas to the whole class. Activating students prior knowledge article

Build students' background knowledge: When starting a new lesson, look for references or concepts that you may need to explicitly explain. These new references can be presented in photos, quick film clips, sketches, or gestures.  Building background knowledge
Margin notes: Add notes in margins or provide a handout with key concepts, vocabulary, and definitions for easy reference. These notes enhance clarity and accessibility, reducing reading complexity. Margin notes video lesson