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Multilingual Learner Strategy Packet

TO SUPPORT MLLs with Breaking their Silence

Image Strategy Resources
Tableau: The students form a tableau of characters or scenes or concepts. The teacher directs students regarding their positions and facial expressions. Students hold their positions in a brief tableau. Tableau video 
Pantomime-A-Tale: This technique can be used with fiction or nonfiction reading selections. Divide an article into sections. Each group prepares their assigned section as a pantomime. There should be one group member who reads the section, with appropriate pauses, and three members who act it out without using words. Rehearsal is important, so allow time for it.  Article on Pantomime in the classroom
Hands-on manipulatives: These can include anything from tangrams for math to microscopes for science to interactive maps for social studies. Manipulating objects physically can reduce the language load of an activity; beginning students in particular can still participate and demonstrate their understanding. Article on using hands-on manipulatives with MLLs
Assign a Buddy: It’s important to support your MLLs in their “silent period” by ensuring they have a support system of peers in the classroom. By assigning your MLLs a “buddy” that speaks their native language, you can lower the stress for your student and therefore optimize the  conditions for language acquisition. Article on Peer learning and collaboration
Sing it outloud: Songs support oral expression, enhance fluency, vocabulary, phonics, and syntax. Introduce new concepts through music for joyful learning. Repeat and extend with activities like fill-in-the-blanks for vocabulary. Relay video collection: Singing

TO SUPPORT MLLs with Oral Expression

Image Strategy Resources
Inside-Outside Circle: Students form two circles, inner and outer. They face each other and exchange review questions. One circle rotates as directed by the teacher, and another question is discussed. Inside-Outside circle video
Round Table: Teacher poses a question (ie. What has caused climate change) with multiple answers. Students, in groups, list responses independently aloud or on paper.  Conversation or papers rotate among students for additional answers. Video of Round Table
Think-Pair-Share: When asked to consider an idea or answer a question, students write their ideas on paper (think). Each student turns to another student nearby and reads his or her own responses (pair, share). Strategically pair your MLLs Think Pair Share video
Three Step Interview: Students work in pairs. One is the interviewer; the other is the interviewee. Each interview lasts two to three minutes. At the signal, partners switch roles.  After each set of partners have interviewed each other, have them pair with another set of partners. Each partner shares his or her partner’s idea with the others. 3 step interview directions
Dictogloss: Students listen to a passage, then work together to reconstruct it using their own words while aiming to capture its main ideas and structure. Teacher demo dictogloss