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Science of Teaching Reading Resource Guide

Phonemes and Graphemes

Phonemes may be represented by one, two, or three letters. Here are the different types of consonant graphemes:

Type of Grapheme Definition Examples
single letter A single consonant letter that represents a single consonant phoneme. b, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, v, w, y, z
doublet A double letter that represents one phoneme. ff (sniff), ll (smell), ss (moss), zz (buzz)
digraph A two-letter combination that stands for a single phoneme in which neither letter represents its usual sound. 

th (thank), sh (shake), ch (church), wh (white)

ph (phone), -ng (sing)

gh (cough)

-ck (it represents /k/ after a short vowel, ex: chick)

trigraph A three-letter combination that represents one phoneme. -tch (crutch) -dge (judge)
consonants in blends A blend is not one sound but rather two or three adjacent consonants before or after a vowel in a syllable. 

s-c-r (scrap)

th-r (three)

c-l (clear)

f-t (shift)

l-k (silk)

s-t (moist)

silent letter combinations A letter combination where one or more letters is silent. kn (knight), wr (wrote), gn (gnat), ps (psychiatrist), rh (rhyme), lm (calm), lk (talk), mn (column), st (listen
odd letter x The letter x is the only letter that stands for two phonemes: /k/ and /s/, and sometimes /g/ and /z/.

/k/-/s/: box, exit 

/g/-/z/: exact, exist 

combination qu These two letters stand for two sounds: /k/ and /w/. These two letters always appear together in English and they do not represent one sound. queen (/k/-/w/-/ē/-/n/)
doublets or floss rule Doubled f, l, s, or z in one syllable words.  ff (buff), ll (bill), ss (boss), zz (buzz)

This chart was created using the following sources:

Moats, L. C. (2020). The structure of English orthography. In Speech to print: Language essentials for teachers (2nd ed., pp. 92-102). CO: Brookes Publishing

Moats, L. C., & Tolman, C. A. (2005). Unit 3: Teaching beginning phonics, word recognition, and spelling. In LETRS(2nd ed., Vol. 1, pp. 170-180). Longmont, CO: Sopris West Educational Services.