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Information Literacy


This page will give you a brief overview of the Relay Library. For more information on the Relay Library, see the Introduction to the Relay Library guide.

Using the Relay Library

The Relay Library has many resources that might help you to be a better teacher. Most of the resources are electronic, and can be accessed at any time, from any place.  The resources include books, articles, news videos, news articles, images and timelines you can use in K-12 classrooms, and more! View the Highlighted Resources list to see the most commonly used resources in the Relay Library.

You can access all of these resources via the Relay Library website or via search boxes you might see in some of your courses, like the one below:

To find resources, input your search terms, and hit "Search".  Your results will show up on the following page.  If you want to restrict your results to ones that you can access online, be sure to select "Full Text Online" from the filters on the side.

Full text online filter

Finding Books and Articles

The video tutorial below will walk you through how to search for books, ebooks, and articles using the Relay library search bar.

Start at 0:00 to learn how to search and filter results using the library search bar.
Jump to 0:57 to learn about finding articles using the Relay library search bar and filters.
Jump to 1:33 to learn how to request an article through Interlibrary Loan.
Jump to
2:11 to learn about finding books and ebooks using the library search bar and filters.

For more resources on how to search using the Relay library, check out our LIB-101 LibGuide!

Helpful Links

What if I can't access a resource that I need?

For help finding books and articles using the Relay library, click the "Finding Books and Articles" tab on the left! Sometimes, however, you find an article or a citation that seems to be exactly what you're looking for. How do you know if the library has access to it?

If you only have a citation, you can try searching for the book or article in the library by searching the exact title in the library search bar, or by looking up the journal in our list of journals and databases. You can click the link below for additional instructions, or email us at for help!

If you've checked and you're 100% sure this article just isn't available, all isn't lost! You can email us at or fill out this form to request the article through Interlibrary Loan. We can help you track down a copy of an article or a book chapter for free!

  • Keep in mind that Interlibrary Loan typically takes between 1-5 business days to provide copies of an article (so it might not be your best option for a midnight deadline). 
  • When submitting an ILL request, the more information you can provide, the better! If possible, please include the article/book title; the author(s); the journal title; the volume/issue; publication date; page numbers; and/or a URL or DOI. 

Contacting the Relay Library

Aside from the library's collection, you also have librarians who can help you any time of the day. If you email, a Relay librarian will respond within one business day. You can also use our Ask a Librarian chat service (see below), and another librarian will be on call to help you 24/7.

Here are a few of the types of questions you may want to ask a librarian:

  • Using the Relay Library
    • Can I check out physical books from the Relay Library?
    • Why did I get an error message when using the library? 
    • Do we have How to Reach and Teach English Language Learners in the library?
  • Finding Resources
    • How do I find resources on teaching students with autism?
    • How do I keep up with what's new in education?
    • How do I find children's literature for my classroom?
  • Information Literacy
    • How do I become a faster and more effective online searcher?
    • How do I know whether or not information I find is reliable?
    • How do I teach my K-12 students about conducting research?