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Secondary Math Resources

Books, articles, journals, and online resources geared towards math teachers.

Activity A: Complete a Math task

Solve a math task and ask reflection questions about how the student felt while solving the problem and why. Potential questions:

  • What were your emotions and thoughts as you started the math problem?

  • What did you think and feel as you were solving the task?

If you are doing this activity during the Module 1 synchronous session, try it out using one of these two Grade 8 tasks related to using functions.

  • Chicken and Steak 

  • Bike Race

    • Pro tip: Selecting a task that asks students to use their skills and knowledge from a previous grade could also offer information about students’ strengths and areas of development

    • Ideally, you would be able to use a task from your curriculum. However, if you do not have strong tasks readily available, you can select tasks from Illustrative Math, which is a completely free open source curriculum that has received strong evaluation for its alignment to college and career ready standards. 


Activity B: Math autobiography

Students record or write their Math autobiography. Some prompts that may help guide their thinking include:

  • Describe moments in your life where you have had positive experiences with Math. What made them positive?
  • Have you had any experiences that were negative? What made them negative?
  • How do you use Math outside of school and in your community?
  • Overall, how would you describe your feelings about your ability in Math?
  • Overall, what value do you see Math having in helping you reach your future goals?

Activity C: Student interviews

Students interview one another about their math experiences and record each others’ responses (using similar prompting questions to those in Math autobiography). See an example on pages 12-13 in the article Matthews, J.S. (2018) On Mindsets and Practices for Re-Integrating “Belonging” in the Mathematics Classroom; Teacher Practices 

Activity D: Create an image

Create an image of a mathematician. Write 3-4 sentences that could explain your drawing to someone else.

Activity E: Good at Math?

Place each of these words on the number line according to how well you think each word describes someone who is good at Math (See template below). 

  • Associating descriptive words with mathematics can reveal students’ beliefs about what it means to be good at mathematics

Good at Math? Template

Directions: Place each of these words on the number line according to how well you think each word describes someone who is good at Math 

0 1 2 3 4 5


Leatham, K., & Hill, D. (2010). Exploring our complex math identities. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 16(4), 224-231.

Activity F: How do you define Math?

Arrange these activities in categories related to mathematics. In determining your categories, consider what distinguishes one category from another mathematically (See template below)

  • The mathematical categories task can be a valuable tool to help students consider how they themselves define mathematics.

Activity F: How do you define Math? Template

Directions: Arrange these activities in categories related to mathematics. In determining your categories, consider what distinguishes one category from another mathematically.

Note: These are sample activities. You may consider removing or replacing anything in the table based on what you have learned about students’ culture, identities, and experiences at home and in their community. 

Arranging trophies from tallest to shortest

Sorting shapes Cooking with a recipe Memorizing time tables
Driving a car Arguing a case before a jury Quilting Playing a video game
Playing an instrument Measuring your bedroom Sending a text message Solving a logic puzzle
Reading a book Reading a map Keeping a planner Writing an essay
Riding a skateboard Hanging a picture on the wall Working on an electrical circuit Paying bills
Playing the drums      

Leatham, K., & Hill, D. (2010). Exploring our complex math identities. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 16(4), 224-231

Activity G: How do you feel about Math?

Place yourself on these continua according to how you feel about Math (See template below)

  • The continuum task helps students become more aware of their relationships with mathematics

How do you feel about Math? Template


Directions: Place yourself on these continua according to how you feel about Math


Enjoyment Pain
Not Confident Confident
Not Good at Math Good at Math
Anxiety Peace (no anxiety)

Please share a bit about why you placed yourself where you did.

Leatham, K., & Hill, D. (2010). Exploring our complex math identities. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 16(4), 224-231.